Generations in Africa

What a joy it’s been to hear from some of our wonderful Generation Leaders in Africa. They have been faithful to keep the ministry moving forward even in the midst of the pandemic restrictions. Join us in praying for these young leaders and Aglow Generations Groups. Lord, we thank you for drawing more into their groups and for helping the groups to flourish into all the good things you have for them.
Gambia – from Generations Leader Davis Essandoh
Aglow Generations Gambia is doing well by His grace. The group couldn’t do much meeting due to the pandemic but the leadership had a several prayer meetings. Most of the challenges we face was that majority of the members were private teachers so they face salary problems and that really affected most of the members. In fact, some of them lost their jobs and it brought a lot of pressure on us but by the grace of God things are coming in normal.
Currently we do most of our meetings in one of the churches in Ghana town which is the Church of Pentecost. We are opening our outdoor programs by next month and will keep you updated.
Senegal - from leader Catherina Mane
We are all well here in Senegal. Our prayer request is that the Lord attracts many young people to Aglow Generations in the name of Jesus Christ! In our group, we are in contact via WhatsApp currently but on the occasion of my wedding on February 27, 2021 we saw each other.
In the photos I have sent you will see members of Aglow Generations and Aglow moms. Aglow was very involved in my wedding, for my bridesmaids, there were only 2 who are not members of Aglow. An Aglow representative from Guinea Bissau also attended my wedding.