Be a Part of What God is Doing in this Generation

Aglow Generations is about relationships with God and one another. As we gather together in fellowship, we grow in our walk with God and become rooted in His love.

Who We Are

As an integral part of Aglow International, we represent fresh, new growth in spiritual ground that has been tilled for over 50 years. Our primary focus is found in Ephesians 3:17-19 – to be young people rooted in Christ’s love. Learn More...

Janae Lovern
Generations Director

Sanna Tidur Akurstein
Alyssa Hoffman
Ladies at conference
Sri Lanka Generations
Cassiana Tavares
Praying for Poland

Latest from the Generations Blog

Zambia Generations

Zambia Aglow Generations Update

By Janae Lovern | June 25, 2024

Zambia’s Teen Aglow: Be the Light! Last month, Zambia Aglow hosted an Aglow Conference in their nation and saw a great response! During the event, Aglow Generations leader Mbaweme, and her friends, presented their vision for Zambia’s “Teen Aglow” and the teens from their area came and received prayer from Aglow women and men. Videos…


Burn the Ships

By Janae Lovern | May 22, 2024

How did we get here? How often in life do we have circumstances that lead us to ask that same question of God. “God, how did I get here?” And, “if it is too much for me to handle, can I turn back?” The answer is pretty clear…there is no turning back, no staying put,…


Faith Like a Fire

By Janae Lovern | April 24, 2024

– A few years ago, I listened to one of my favorite podcasts* in which one of the hosts Danny Valdez responded to a question by asking: “But, What if you Could?” That one simple line and response has altered my life ever since. I even have a piece of paper taped to the underside…

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Every week, Janae shares from her heart about life and ministry. Expect passion, transparency and authenticity in every post.

Aglow Generations Cameroon

Generations Touching the World

What a joy it’s been to hear from some of our wonderful Generation Leaders in Africa. They have been faithful to keep the ministry moving forward even in the midst of the pandemic restrictions. Join us in praying for these young leaders and Aglow Generations Groups. Lord, we thank you for drawing more into their groups and for helping the groups to flourish into all the good things you have for them.

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